certametente As you know are in Luanda.
I think a good starting point for this post (as it comes between us information).
Maybe not all but 'know that the town where I live is called Kilamba Kiaxi, also known as K. Kilamba Kiaxi or K. Not exactly a pleasant resort ', but let's run through today.
"Kilamba Kiaxi, Kilamaba Kiaxi, and Kilamba Kiaxi", and I always' played well in the head, so that, and now I'm doing my share of the more 'profound intimacy', at one point I wanted to call my sons so '. And Kilamba Kiaxi.
Today, therefore, I 'to make a systematic cataloging, systemic and systematized the names of the bairro and municipalities. In short, a scientific treatise with its dignity 'ontological.
Bairro ethnic . Well, those are more 'easy to understand.
The most 'generic. Bairro Popular, for the inhabitants of the world. A little 'international. The
already 'mentioned Congolense,' cause it contained a large market of Congo.
The Cuban district. The assumptions on these mysterious name you'll leave it up to you.
The Chinese have not yet heard, but surely there '. It seems absurd, but there are also here. Full. The same malicious urban legends say that the Asians who live here are in fact 'of convicts to forced labor. You name it.
historic Bairro . Or at least in perfume history. Cumbo
Avo (Grandfather cumbia). From the first name of the owner of this little bar zona.Ve I put down the 'easy, but in reality' is still an open dispute between the sources. The hypothesis most 'ancestor credited wants Cumbo man, as well as' boss of the district. The more 'conspiratorial speaks of it as a trivial operator. The third, in flavor a little bit feminist, argues that in truth 'ancestor Cumbo was a woman. The bairro
golf (1 and 2). I embarrassed to explain it and I state that I for one do not believe it. In the past it was the place where the creeps Porotghesi playing golf ... ...
Remember, my job is supposed to be a scientific treatment tank.
Bairro with names of cities' . Here
names abound. Bemfica and São Paulo.
Bairro untranslatable (the incomplete 'and sources' was a major limiting factor in this Treaty).
Sambizanga (or as some divine thought voluntary, San Bisanga ... protector of that ???), Kassequel, Soooooo Viana and others (Supert sorry, but I've already 'lost the package).
Bairo-TV musical.
Santeiro de Roche. Named after the protagonist of a Brazilian soap opera (but what is missing in Italy to establish, say, UnPostoAlSoleCiti?).
Samba. Samba, samba, samba ...
Titanic. And I hope that at least Di Caprio has been crucified in some corner.
Bairro futuristic but not futuristic.
Nova vida. It 's a district under construction which should boost the whole city'. More 'to someone is crossing his fingers and maybe someone else is touching.
Bairro macabre. My favorite.
CAMAM. Or cemetery.
Lixera. Or landfill. If required, even
Titanic, and after all 'was a crash as well.
But, last but not least, Kilamba Kiaxi. Suffering and death. I live here.