Saturday, September 26, 2009

Indian Saniteryware Brands

cherry pie

In Romania abbiamo avuto part Frutta fresca di Tanta, ho us per fare uno dei approfittato lamb meals di giugno del dolce prefer to torch all'amarena . Ovviamente and semper può fare, anche con il dolce è ottimo sciroppate amarene them.

Ingredients: 500 gr flour

6 eggs 200 g butter 6 tablespoons

full sugar 100 ml hot milk
a pinch of salt to taste sour

1 packet of baking powder vanilla

They fight eggs with sugar, add the soft butter, hot milk, a pinch of salt, flour and baking powder. The mixture must be not too soft. It
butter a cake pan, and let the preheated oven for 20 minutes, then add the cherries and you end up cooking in the oven for another 20 minutes.
You can add powdered sugar to taste.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Iron On Laser Printer Sheets

Socata - Sambu and prizes ..!

In the country I have learned throughout the shock made (actually still do that I have left flowers), the drink that I always liked a lot. It's so easy to do ... so no it will not come to believe! In addition it is useful reading for people who want to depurative treatment and weight loss. Multiple nutritional substances contained in flowers and fruits increase body resistance.

In Romania ho Imparato of the succo fare di questa bevande sambuco, molto gradevole, a dissetante bevande. Leggevo che anche per chi è particolarmente useful
vuole affrontare purifying and slimming treatment. The various nutrients contained in the flowers and elderberries increase the body's resistance. is easy to do it, I did not remember who it was that easy!

8 l apa - water
7-8 flori de soc - elderflower
700 gr zahar - sugar
linguri zahar caramel 3-4 tablespoons sugar-caramelized
varf drojdie dizolvata in a de apa hot - a bit 'of yeast dissolved in little hot water
1-2 blade - 1 lemon
lamaie felii - a lemon sliced \u200b\u200b1
portocala felii - orange slices
lamaie de Sare (facultativ) - lemon salt (optional) If
amesteca if you totul de laas 24 hours. If strecoara if you sticle in pune if laas the rece. If serveste rece.

are mixed all the ingredients and let stand 24 hours. After filtering the mixture can be bottled and put in the fridge. Serve cold.

Cu intarziere is cer-mi scuze Acestes pentru lucru, multumesc pentru fetelor award is the dau tuturor blogurilor never départ de pe mea list. Cristina de la K :


Ringrazio offro tutti molto e tutti i Prémat Sulla mia blogs list.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ultimate I Spy 6 Arrows

Vacanta 2009 Part VI

.... and last! Here I finished this summer holidays, we may not be a bath and a bit high, especially as it indicated all the family. I knew
Montesilvano (Pescara Province, Abruzzo regione) already for several years, we enjoyed the superb start to the Lungomare and across the opposite where the forest is so nice afternoon!
A large clean, clear, warm sand, gold, not too many people .... I had mult de relax! INOTE toate ziulica, masa, somni, Joaco, sea, plimbari Seara ... exact ce ne-am Dorit. It
voila, pozele!
AICI pozele de anular trecut, tot Montesilvano

... and last! Here we have finished our holiday this year, you could not go to the beach, mainly because it is good to us all.
Montesilvano already knew for a while ', great place for campers, a beautiful promenade and pine forest on the other side, where we were a love in the afternoon!
The sea clean, clear, warm, fine sand, the golden, not many people .. we truly relaxed! Great swimming, breakfast, lunch, sleep, games, rides, beach, walks in the evening, pizza and ice cream ... everything we wanted.
And voila, the pictures!

Montesilvano is a town of 47,695 inhabitants of province of Pescara.

Located north of Pescara , which it borders, and now form a single conurbation, is divided into Montesilvano Colle, the old center where there are still remnants of the old medieval buildings (administratively, a village ) and Montesilvano already Contrada Marina, the most populous and modern City Hall. (Wikipedia)

photos here last year, also in Montesilvano

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can You Save Games On Gbemul

Vacanta 2009 Part V

Hehe, long holiday ... it is also difficult to choose which photos so, what is not, that's why I chose to do more than a "summary" here and then put almost all my photos on the blog dedicated only to Maramures.
I chose the V part of the picture you are very close to the heart of things ... small but full of meaning for me.
followed by the sixth and final part of this fantastic vacanza 2009, is dedicated to solo high jump, 10 sit Dove Siamo of nostro ritorno in Italia Giornale.

Hehe, vacation was great ... :-)) It's pretty hard to choose pictures, maybe that's why I chose to do a "summary" only on this blog, and put in more "detail" almost all pictures other blog dedicated solely Maramures.
I chose this part, are the pictures that my soul ... but seemingly small things meaningful to me.
will follow the last part of this superb vacant in 2009, and will be dedicated to the sea, where I stayed for 10 days after our return to Italy.

"souvenir from my father" sits scritto su questa icon with the handwriting of my father as a child


my school where I studied for the first 8 years

the blackboard, so the last remaining day of school

class ... very very nice, liked very much to children

a beautiful pink

many flowers, greenery ... Apparently the wonderland

butterflies were many

yellow rose, jealousy :-)
view from the balcony

felt only "noise" of the trees ... I loved to look at the landscape

many trees around the buildings

I was on vacation just watching from the balcony

is one of the first photo taken in Baia Mare, when Mara still 5 kg less :-))

an Orthodox church Casa Mia vicino

Immagine dall'aereo stupende them, the ritorno in Italia

aereo nel, a aereo con Manuel giocava .. :-))

Friday, September 18, 2009

Remove Fibroids D And C

Multi Ani, Mami! Happy Birthday, Mom!

main reason of my extended vacation in Romania this year was just as beautiful mother turned age 80 years. In many years with good health, happiness and
everything you doresti, you iubim cu totii, mami!

The main reason for my holidays in Romania have been prolonged, it was the fulfillment of the beautiful age of my mother, that this year we celebrated 80 years! Greetings from the heart, we love you so much mom, and one hundred twenty of these days!

cake is simple chocolate sponge cake with vanilla flavor.
nutella cream and chocolate and chocolate frosting.

to have - see photos here

Pizza H

Manastirea Sf. Maria

all the photos of the monastery here
pozele de la Manastir - AICI