In the country I have learned throughout the shock made (actually still do that I have left flowers), the drink that I always liked a lot. It's so easy to do ... so no it will not come to believe! In addition it is useful reading for people who want to depurative treatment and weight loss. Multiple nutritional substances contained in flowers and fruits increase body resistance.
In Romania ho Imparato of the succo fare di questa bevande sambuco, molto gradevole, a dissetante bevande. Leggevo che anche per chi è particolarmente useful vuole affrontare purifying and slimming treatment. The various nutrients contained in the flowers and elderberries increase the body's resistance. is easy to do it, I did not remember who it was that easy!
8 l apa - water
7-8 flori de soc - elderflower
700 gr zahar - sugar
linguri zahar caramel 3-4 tablespoons sugar-caramelized
varf drojdie dizolvata in a de apa hot - a bit 'of yeast dissolved in little hot water
1-2 blade - 1 lemon
lamaie felii - a lemon sliced \u200b\u200b1
portocala felii - orange slices
lamaie de Sare (facultativ) - lemon salt (optional) If
amesteca if you totul de laas 24 hours. If strecoara if you sticle in pune if laas the rece. If serveste rece.
are mixed all the ingredients and let stand 24 hours. After filtering the mixture can be bottled and put in the fridge. Serve cold.
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