Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Best Looking Stylish Camera Bags

Zone Plate

What is a Zone Plate?
The plate area (Zone Plate) is a system similar to the hole
pinhole camera, but that uses more-
tico ot the phenomenon of diffraction. It consists of a series of rings concentration
machines, to be used as a target, alternating opaque and transparent-
you. While the pinhole so the light hits
directed the film, the plate area
diffracted light is passing through the concentric rings,
creating a soft effect on the image and reducing the time
exposure. This will eliminate many calculations to find the right exposure
, simplifying recovery.
The following images were taken with a plate
area of \u200b\u200b75 mm. focal length f 65 of the diaphragm, on aplica
a Lubitel 166, after it has been modified by removing the optical



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