Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Ideas For Myspace All About Me
is here, I'm around on the ebook.
for next month's big news on these monitors
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Connect Hard Drive To Rca Tv
but I'm doing a whole number of other things that just half!
many projects are in progress.
The first is the beginning of collaboration with the lit-blog the novel, with the heading "the sorrows of young writers." The
Then comics. But those I will talk later.
E 'probable that this blog will move to other beaches within a few months, but do not worry, my 4 readers, I will talk! Hello
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Blackhawks Warm Up Songs
I dreamed last night ... very nice vacation .. I was talking about new wading and swimming and maybe this
dream last night but we had to do a test but make it fast, and for that I grab the remorse that I did not consciously, I ask a friend if I did well. She said that the first question I am wrong. Well together.
P'orma all the test had to hang some African jewelry (earrings that resemble stone, porcelain summer I saw the sea) to finish with strands of hair .. chiu with woe, but to my surprise When I look in the mirror, a beauty salon, a hair rich, rich (as I had some years ago) and completely change the look .... like me physically .. I woke p'orma.
hair had something like this :-)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bottom And Pirate Ship
700 g flour 0 - 0 marten tip
200 ml milk - Lapte
25 g fresh yeast - drojdie proaspata
100 ml hot water - hot apa
100 ml oil - Ulei
1 tablespoon sugar - 1 lingura de zahar
1 teaspoon salt - 1 lingurita de Sare
150 g grated cheese (the kind you like, I used a mix) - Branza Razali (de care doriti, eu am folosit a mixt sicilian)
+ 1 egg beaten - 1 oua Batut
little salt - Putina Sare
3 tablespoons flour - 3 linguri de faina
Make a paste with the ingredients on the "+" and let rise until doubled.
Prepare mixture of egg, flour, salt, to use it on sandwiches.
turn on the oven, prepare the sandwiches (take the shape you like), put in the oven, leave for about 10 minutes, then put on the mixture of egg, flour, salt, more to taste the poppy.
leave for another 15 minutes, if we feel they are ready. Excellent with pesto, maybe always prepared at home. Remain fresh for 2-3 days.
If a face cu aluat ingredientele de mai sus, you know Lasam dospeasca pana aluatul doubles. If the dough should come out soft, fluffy but not sticky. If it's too hard or dry add warm milk or water and knead until it becomes soft, soft, pleasant ridden. Prepare
mixed flour, egg, salt, anointed to use it for. We start the oven, prepare painitele by shape you like (I found some knitting on the net, but I too followed step by step, came out ... well anyway), put them in the oven and leave for about 10 minutes by car Brush with egg painitele out and beaten with salt and flour, plus Mac (I love poppies!). Let it sit another 15 minutes (approx, I electric oven) and testing whether you are ready. Excellent with zacusca
, all made in house (I made one burns ... mmmm, if perfect combination!). If mint proaspeti chiar Zile 2-3, Grotius in aer liber pentru a weekend!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Kates-playground Boss
very good I must say, I obviously can profit of cherries fresh, perfume .. of June :-)
wrong aCasa facut la mama, or Dupa reteta a neighbor and friend :-) Very good
I obviously profited from the wealth of fruit in June, when this cake, cherries!
Ingredients: 6
tuorli - Yellow
6 cucchiai Zucchero panna da cucina cucchiai
2 - 2 tablespoons cream
a Polvi Bustin lievitante a
baking powder 150 gr burro - butter Limone di succo
1 - juice from a lemon 250 gr farina
- flour 1
Scorza di Limone - lemon
amarene - cherry
6 albums - whites
6 cucchiai Zucchero - 6 tablespoons sugar and
battono tuorli
And, lo con Zucchero, and it aggiungono Resto degli ingredients, in a tortiera mettiamo imburrata l'impasto. Sopra aggiungiamo amarene them, lasciamo of about 25 per forno per minute (dipende dal forno, comunque Mezz Cottura). Installation
bin neve gli album's farm of about meta Cottura aggiungiamo dell'impasto. 15-20 minutes per Altria and lascivious (forno a gas, semper dipende dal vostro forno). Children
call this cake "bubble" because of added meringue on top.
foam beat yolks, add the remaining ingredients. Pour into a greased with butter, add the fruit on top. We leave the oven on jumatete coptura (depending on oven, gas stove I had in the country).
Batem foam albusurile zaharul cu, sa fie tares, you adaugam deasupra, Dupa jumatate timpului de coptura. Lasam and gata pana (cca cam 15-20 de minute).
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What To Dress In Disney January
Devo anche oggi che vi è Così confessare. Adoro l'autunno soprattutto per i suoi Versace. Ma anche perch of Naples iniziano Giornale Quelle belle, we caldo, freddo us, the sole anchor donkeys caldo da solo con Poterie a magliettina state.
E 'bella SAESONAL per le lunghe a passeggiata, molto sport, whip, sagra, escursioni ..
rifare Non vorrei anche oggi lo stesso :-) I compito Più Siamo a meno sugli stessi Profumi ...
When school starts, one of the favorite themes of Romanian profesorilo was autumn. It was the first structures of the school year started, and was also the first Romanian 10 to take it on because I like to do essays and writing in the fall I always :-)).
I love autumn for its perfumes, vines, grapes, nuts, chestnuts, apples, pears, etc.. Chestnuts were favorites, queen of the season, and the grapes - the king. I greatly enjoy wine, and tasted right up there in the hillside, living, where we went to pick the grapes, chestnuts and walnuts. And today
perfumes are almost the same. We go to Sagra by satulete when we have the opportunity this time and buy everything we like: chestnuts, walnuts, peanuts, vegetables, mushrooms, local products in general. Naples P'orma
those beautiful days come, neither hot nor cold, just walked over, sport, sagra, tours ..
will not get bored, just briefly will say, that fall today is about the same perfume ...
give Materdomini, Caposele, Avellino:
Castagna del Prete (smoked) , arachidi, Melograno, uva fragola
Castagna fresche
biscottoni (farina00, Zucchero, sciroppo di glucosio, mandorle, lamb, bicarbonao di sodio, acido cidrico) morzetti (flour, sugar, honey, margarine, peanut powder, baking soda, natural flavors) Cecile, lentiche finissime
(buonissimi sono dans la zone and vegetables, molto dolce, e gia ... bow!)
The properties of the chestnut:
- is a fruit that is able to satisfy the growing desire for natural foods and natural as that comes from a culture that does not require use of pesticides and complies fully with the canons of organic farming.
- are really a wealth of nutritional resources: rich in amino acids, proteins, lipids, complex carbohydrates and can be a pleasant substitute for bread.
- contains fatty acids, minerals (especially potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, iron) and several B vitamins (B1 and B2) but also C and PP.
- unlike most of the pulped fruit (apples, peaches, etc..) Content in water is relatively small, in the fresh product is around 50%.
- the presence of soluble carbohydrates makes it problematic for longer storage can development of microorganisms (fungi in particular) but curatura in water is an effective practice to address all'incoveniente.
- the fruits are rich in carbohydrates and energy properties are therefore very effective in the physical and intellectual asthenia for athletes, or is subject to stress, and are not recommended for diabetics.
- indicated for anemia, constipation, nervous breakdown and physical
-sugar indicates the presence of the chestnut as a food alternative for children allergic to cow's milk or lactose.
- makes up the flour in cakes and soups and a need for carbohydrates, even in patients who show intolerance to cereals.
-la fiber is considered very important for the beneficial action on intestinal motility, and reduction of the microflora colestorolemia.
-is recommended in the diet as it prevents gastrointestinal disturbances, speeding the passage of substances in the gut.
- contraindicated in cases of colitis, gastritis and diabetes.
grapes - is the first in the standings for the health and beauty-
antioxidants in the juice grape ' are much more active and effective, with an extra property: help also to lose weight
- is one of three fruits of the earth at the base of Mediterranean diet along with the olives and wheat. The list of health properties and benefits it brings is so long as it is a long list of its varieties.
- contains little protein, low fat, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and a good concentration of potassium. It also contains small amounts of sodium, carotenoids, vitamins A, B (B1 and B6) and C and folic acid (folate).
- is one of the fruits most energetic, a real fuel for the brain!
- Highly recommended for children and the elderly because of the rapid assimilation of sugar in it.
- The grape diet detox diet is an excellent
- improves glucose metabolism, plays a 'antioxidant general (and even some anti-allergic), makes the skin radiant and youthful
A component of grapes and wine is very important for health is called: Resveratrol . Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid phenol content in grape skins and has important beneficial properties on the body:
- thins the blood and prevents clots
- has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal
- antiteratogeno (prevents the development of abnormal the fetus during pregnancy)
- reduces cholesterol (see also: Cholesterol: Understanding and fighting )
- it suggests that it might be helpful in fighting cancer
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Freshman Senior Big Sister
Nu stiu Daca cineva a taste Branza cu gust de cafe, yesterday to give the primisem from a niece who came from Sicily. Certainly I liked very much, I just finished .... pozalica and I gave him ready, but do not know the exact name ... Pictured
a slice of cheese "normal" (but still Sicilian) and three coffee :-) ..)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Vocab Workshop Level E Answers
individual (Insalata Belgium) - Belgian salad
burro - butter
besciamella - formaggio sauce bechameill
Emmentaler - cheese
This is a very tasty way to cook the endive.
cook in salted water and pour on a buttered pan.
Pour a bit 'of sauce and a bit' of Emmentaler cheese, which you have heated in a saucepan aside.
Try to evenly cover the endive.
Bake at 180 degrees and cook for fifteen minutes.
And a tasty mod foarte de Annexes to belgian salt. If
fierbe in apa Sarata if you pune intr-un vas cu unt thermo-rezistent us. If you varsa sosul bechameill chasuble, pe care l-ati incalzit craticioara intr-o de-o part.
Salata trebuie acoperita in intregime.
puñeta cuptor in the 180 ° lasati 15th minute.
Sosul alb (bechameill) if you cumpara poate, eu l-am facut give rapid din unt, marten, LAPT, Sare, nutmeg. Vezi AICI reteta (in it).
Installing New Thermostat Honeywell
Maybe because I think the people close to me who have been ruined by smoke, are not only aged but soon was the cause that led to diseases that ultimately did not forgive ...
not want to repeat so many things already sapute, written and researched, I just want to say that there is large difference between smokers and non.
since high school colleagues, who were already starting to smoke. They went into the bathroom and did it for fun .. maybe? So were more mature, or even thought like most? Bo, I can not say exactly. One sure thing that I noticed it and I sit away from me. Even then I hated the smoke, made me almost vomit. And I always wondered, how do these girls who want to look cute and then ... smell like a tobacco shop? They looked and I say sincerely, tobacco peddlers! Even today, they make me laugh a little 'women who spend so much makeup and not care so much but then smoke like the Turks! As if they knew that their smoking is age the skin, make your teeth yellow, and much more.
In time then I clearly saw as "results": women younger than my mother, who smoked a lot or enough, now aged very soon .. unfortunately there are no more crazy :-(
wrinkles on their faces, and not speak more than malodori ... My mom has never smoked, its 80 years has preserved a beautiful face, young and wrinkle free ...!
Then one of the things that bothered me was the smoking of their lack of education. I was also a young girl, in a public place and also the most I could say (from my experience) never asking "sorry, not you bother?" Or they saw or knew that you do not smoke, but smoked the same in your presence. Today
fortunately these problems are not as heard, perhaps because the alarm has been heard fairly and in public places, thank goodness - no smoking.
E 'surely this is all won for us, no smoking :-) and I think, not only ;-).
ps. I once met a lady who told me that he had worked in the tobacco industry. He said, "You'd put that junk in cigar ..." I thought, poor smokers! :-(
you know that:
- smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a year into our body 70,000 loads of nicotine. Once inhaled, the drug reaches the brain in 7 seconds (half the time it takes heroin injected), leading to substantial changes in its business.
- substances generated by combustion of the cigarette (see composition smoke), causing serious damage to the respiratory and vascular (with implications for cardiac, cerebral, and peripheral arterial circulation), hemoglobin, oral cavity and larynx the first section of the digestive tract, placenta and fetus, urogenital tract, pancreas.
- smoking:
- Premature aging of the pulmonary system.
- Transformation of cellular DNA, cell changes, dysplasia tissue and tumor tissue processing.
- Early menopause in women, with higher frequency of osteoporosis.
- Article The skin becomes gray, loses its elasticity, is withered and aged.
- Babies of mothers who smoke have a higher risk of perinatal mortality.
- data exist for associating maternal smoking and increased apnea of \u200b\u200bcentral origin of the child.
- increase disease and lower respiratory tract infections.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Alicia Rhodes Homemade
Another way to cook spinach, apparently less light.
spanac - spinach
costs -
pancetta oil - olio
salt, pepper - parmesan
his pepe - Parmigiano
Boil spinach in a little salted water about 2-3 minutes, drain water well.
In a skillet heat some olive oil and bacon (as desired). Add spinach, salt and pepper. Leave for a few minutes at moderate heat, stirring constantly. Serve adding a little parmesan cheese on top.
Lessarli in acqua pOCA salad per 2-3 minutes, scolarli e strizzarli benefit. In light bathe padella l'olio e della pancetta Aggiungi the piacimento. Spinach gly Union, led his con e pepe. Cuocere the Fuoco moderato per Poch minutes Working mescolando Spesso. Serving contains a spolverata di parmigiano.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Buy Kobe Beef In Calgary
do not know if the country is something I have not seen.
I chose a coffee this time:
Kates Playgroundmyspace
Simple and good , you do cam or the date saptamana :
clams - scoici
cod fillet
peeled shrimp - creveti Health
chopped black olives - masline negre taiate
salt - Sare
tomatoes - rosii
basil - Busuioc
garlic - usturoi
virgin olive oil - Ulei de masline virgin
You fry the garlic in a little 'oil, add the tomatoes, and all the other ingredients. It is cooked over low heat about half 'now. Add water if needed, should go a long narrow sauce.
At the end you add the salt and some basil leaves.
Boil pasta, drain and mix with the sauce .
Bon appetit! If
prajeste a Catel de usturoi in Ulei if adauga rosiile is restul ingredientelor . If laas small fire at about a half 'hour. Add water if needed e , sauce should be to May bulk. In the final
add salt after taste and a leaf or two of basil. Easter is
boil in salted water is leaking of water and mix with sauce obtinut .
Pofta buna!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Where Can I Find Candy Flavored Chapstick
a child I remember when we used to pick berries ... the raspberries were my favorite back with buckets full of raspberries!
Ownership: The
" Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)," a long time, is known for its properties antipyretic and anti-inflammatory respiratory colds, this for its content of vitamin C and salicylic acid.
Moreover, recent scientific discoveries have led to the knowledge of the rules anticarcinogenic properties raspberry varieties of darker, the effect of a substance, which it shares with the strawberries : l ' ellagic acid.
This substance, a powerful antioxidant , is able to prevent the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting feeding, in particular those of the gastrointestinal tract. The raspberry
occupies the top positions in the ranking of the therapeutic properties of fruits exist. In addition to have the property of strengthening the immune system body, is also effective for skin rejuvenation and cells.
Doctors advise, in the favorable season, to eat a handful of raspberries a day. Pregnant women should eat a larger amount as these are beneficial to the development of the fetus as a result of ' folic acid, vitamin P and , which improves the elasticity and permeability of the walls of blood vessels .
year Mara has learned to pick blackberries, and Manuel supports it :-))(see M's blog as Maramures, holidays)
more Property:
At more , fruits that ripen in summer are recognized property :
- antioxidant and anticancer : l 'high concentration of vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, manganese contained in them helps fight free radicals;
- cardiotonic help keep the arteries clean and flexible, and combat cardiovascular disease. The high content of
folic acid or vitamin B9 makes more particularly useful:
- in pregnancy: lack of folic acid in early pregnancy greatly increases the risk of fetal malformation, especially neural tube defects (NTDs) are associated with spina bifida or anencephaly. In general, a deficiency of folate can lead more easily to adverse outcomes (intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, placental lesions ..). In the most
' folic acid helps to keep homocysteine \u200b\u200blevels low that if present in excess in the bloodstream (or hyperhomocysteinemia HHcy) causes damage even higher than the cholesterol .
blood substances if it is a factor elevatarappresenta cardiovascular risk as triglycerides
... and there have been cranberries, which they ate in kg. Buooooooooooniiiiiiiiiiiiiii. There were two types, bigger and smaller. First a little 'sweeter. But still both very good.Some substances found in blueberries are considered useful for blood circulation, in particular, many drugs given in capillary fragility or otherwise for vascular problems in general, are based myrtillin.
is also shown for the eyes (retinopathy and myopia), affaticameto against the visual as well as diabetes.
The fruit is also recommended as an antiseptic and urine, especially if dried, it has astringent properties and can be used as an antidiarrheal.