a child I remember when we used to pick berries ... the raspberries were my favorite back with buckets full of raspberries!
Ownership: The
" Raspberry (Rubus idaeus)," a long time, is known for its properties antipyretic and anti-inflammatory respiratory colds, this for its content of vitamin C and salicylic acid.
Moreover, recent scientific discoveries have led to the knowledge of the rules anticarcinogenic properties raspberry varieties of darker, the effect of a substance, which it shares with the strawberries : l ' ellagic acid.
This substance, a powerful antioxidant , is able to prevent the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting feeding, in particular those of the gastrointestinal tract. The raspberry
occupies the top positions in the ranking of the therapeutic properties of fruits exist. In addition to have the property of strengthening the immune system body, is also effective for skin rejuvenation and cells.
Doctors advise, in the favorable season, to eat a handful of raspberries a day. Pregnant women should eat a larger amount as these are beneficial to the development of the fetus as a result of ' folic acid, vitamin P and , which improves the elasticity and permeability of the walls of blood vessels .
year Mara has learned to pick blackberries, and Manuel supports it :-))(see M's blog as Maramures, holidays)
more Property:
At more , fruits that ripen in summer are recognized property :
- antioxidant and anticancer : l 'high concentration of vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, manganese contained in them helps fight free radicals;
- cardiotonic help keep the arteries clean and flexible, and combat cardiovascular disease. The high content of
folic acid or vitamin B9 makes more particularly useful:
- in pregnancy: lack of folic acid in early pregnancy greatly increases the risk of fetal malformation, especially neural tube defects (NTDs) are associated with spina bifida or anencephaly. In general, a deficiency of folate can lead more easily to adverse outcomes (intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, placental lesions ..). In the most
' folic acid helps to keep homocysteine \u200b\u200blevels low that if present in excess in the bloodstream (or hyperhomocysteinemia HHcy) causes damage even higher than the cholesterol .
blood substances if it is a factor elevatarappresenta cardiovascular risk as triglycerides
... and there have been cranberries, which they ate in kg. Buooooooooooniiiiiiiiiiiiiii. There were two types, bigger and smaller. First a little 'sweeter. But still both very good.Some substances found in blueberries are considered useful for blood circulation, in particular, many drugs given in capillary fragility or otherwise for vascular problems in general, are based myrtillin.
is also shown for the eyes (retinopathy and myopia), affaticameto against the visual as well as diabetes.
The fruit is also recommended as an antiseptic and urine, especially if dried, it has astringent properties and can be used as an antidiarrheal.
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