Thursday, October 15, 2009

Alicia Rhodes Homemade

Spanac cu Costita _ Spinach Spaghetti with bacon

And alt mod de a spanacul Annexes. Evident nu ATAT de "light"
Another way to cook spinach, apparently less light.

spanac - spinach
costs -
pancetta oil - olio
salt, pepper - parmesan
his pepe - Parmigiano
Boil spinach in a little salted water about 2-3 minutes, drain water well.
In a skillet heat some olive oil and bacon (as desired). Add spinach, salt and pepper. Leave for a few minutes at moderate heat, stirring constantly. Serve adding a little parmesan cheese on top.
Lessarli in acqua pOCA salad per 2-3 minutes, scolarli e strizzarli benefit. In light bathe padella l'olio e della pancetta Aggiungi the piacimento. Spinach gly Union, led his con e pepe. Cuocere the Fuoco moderato per Poch minutes Working mescolando Spesso. Serving contains a spolverata di parmigiano.


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