Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kates Playgroundmyspace

Coffee-maker of the summer sea

, but like it a volta a settimana almeno farla:
Simple and good , you do cam or the date saptamana :

clams - scoici
cod fillet
peeled shrimp - creveti Health
chopped black olives - masline negre taiate
salt - Sare
tomatoes - rosii
basil - Busuioc
garlic - usturoi
virgin olive oil - Ulei de masline virgin

You fry the garlic in a little 'oil, add the tomatoes, and all the other ingredients. It is cooked over low heat about half 'now. Add water if needed, should go a long narrow sauce.
At the end you add the salt and some basil leaves.
Boil pasta, drain and mix with the sauce .
Bon appetit! If

prajeste a Catel de usturoi in Ulei if adauga rosiile is restul ingredientelor . If laas small fire at about a half 'hour. Add water if needed e , sauce should be to May bulk. In the final
add salt after taste and a leaf or two of basil. Easter is
boil in salted water is leaking of water and mix with sauce obtinut .
Pofta buna!


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